Building Strong Business Relationships and Contracts!
Hey there, business pals!
Get ready to dive into the exciting world of business relationships and contracts.
Verity recently had an awesome Lunch and Learn session at the Commons in South Yarra, and we’re here to spill the beans!
Contracts may sound dull, but trust us, they’re way more interesting than you think. Let’s explore how they can add some spice to your business connections!
Business Relationships
Think about the relationships you have in your business... with your clients... with your suppliers... with your contractors... with your team members... referral partners... regulators... media and PR partners... The list is often endless! Each of these relationships can be a contractual relationship.
But not all relationships are equally important to you and your strategy for your business.
Mapping out your relationships
You can start to see which ones are the most important. We'll be sharing more on this in the new year, because now more than ever it is important to prioritize your spending and protect and enhance your core business relationships (and we think contracts are a great place to start!)

You can download the workbook from our contract design store.
Working at co-working space: The Commons in South Yarra❤️
Not only are the offices and facilities gorgeously designed, but the people that work around me are fantastic…. tell them Verity sent you.