Automated Letter Builder: Are you being paid correctly?
Most employers want to do the right thing by their workers. Different awards and pay rates and entitlements are often confusing for small to medium businesses. Even large corporations can make mistakes about the pay and entitlements of their staff.Speaking with your employer or writing a letter is the first step to ask your current or former employer to confirm your pay entitlements.
Writing formal letters is difficult
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Writing formal letters is difficult. You have to get all the correct information in the letter, you have to ask the right questions, you have to get the tone of the letter just perfect. Difficult to do when you have concerns around your pay or entitlements - especially if you have a strained relationship with your former employer. That is why Checklist Legal built an Automated Letter Builder to help you 'write' a letter to your employer to confirm pay and entitlements. All you need to do is answer a questionnaire that builds a letter to you employer. We pre-formatted the letter (so you don't need to worry if it is set our correctly) and the letter asks your employer to confirm you wage details, giving them all the information they need to look into the issues.The letter is the first step in checking that you have been fairly paid for the work you do.
Can't I just contact the Fair Work Ombudsman?
Yes you can contact the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) at any point, but it is easier and faster to get help from FWO if you have first contacted your employer to raise your employment issues with them.The automated letter builder contains the information that FWO would need to know.
*** Launch the automated letter builder ***
Check your pay on the FWO Pay Calculator and check the minimum employment entitlements to see if there are any other issues with your employment you need to confirm.
Launch the automated letter builder and enter in your information and concerns into the questionnaire.
You will get an email from Checklist Legal in a few minutes after you complete the questionnaire with a formatted PDF version of a letter for you to send to your employer.
Check over the letter to make sure you are happy with it and the details are correct, then email or print and post it to your employer or manager.
Note: If you want to change something in the letter, no problems, just click on the link in the email and amend your responses or complete the questionnaire again.
How long do I wait for a response?
Giving your employer 2 weeks to investigate and respond is a reasonable timeframe. If you need a response more urgently, you could ask for a response within 1 week.
What if my employer doesn’t respond?
If you use this letter and get no response or you aren’t satisfied with the response, then you can go to FWO for help on the next steps or to speak with your employer. But first, you need to raise the issue with your employer.
What do you do with the information I enter into the questionnaire?
We aim to protect your info at all times. We may use your details to contact you about the use of this tool, but you can opt out at any time and we delete the letter information within 30 days of you using the tool.
Ready to test out the letter?
*** Launch the automated letter builder***
Let me know any feedback you have on the automated letter builder tool, I would love to hear how the letter builder works for you and if it helped you correct issues with your pay or entitlements.