Automated Letter Builder - Request a formal warning instead of a fine (infringement)
Try this automated letter builder to help you try to get out of an infringement (fine) in Victoria.Of course, as a general rule most of us try not to break the rules but sometimes things happen and we get a fine. Types of fines include:
Speed, red-light and tolling fines
Parking and local council fines
Public transport fines
If you have a clean history without fines for a few years, you use this letter builder to request that you are issued a formal warning instead of an infringement.
Photo by Jordan Andrews on Unsplash
There is a discretion to serve an official warning instead of an infringement (fine). This is under section 8 of the Victorian Infringement Act 2006 (Vic).
Launch the letter builder!
Using two fabulous (and free) low code tech tools - Google Forms and Forms Publisher- you can build your own automated letters too!
1. Launch the automated letter builder and fill out the details (have your infringement notice handy.
2. After you complete the details, a few minutes later you'll get a PDF copy of your letter. Check over the details. If you spot an error, don't worry, just submit the form again with correct details.
3. When the letter is ready, send a copy of the PDF letter via email to the agency that sent you the infringement notice.
4. Wait for a response from the agency (generally within 14 days). FUTURE AUTOMATED LETTERS
Soon I hope to set up a range of automated letters. Whilst there are lots of forms and template documents available online, there are key reasons why automated letter builders increase access to everyday justice:
Mobile ready: The automated letter builders can be created on mobile devices. Word document format templates are harder to edit on phones and tablets. Automated letter builders have built in formatting so documents only change where they need to.
Faster to create: When the details needed are taken in bite sized chunks, it's quicker to get the details down.
Self-service: No need for help from lawyers when it's easier to fill out the details and find the information you need with guided automation.
No missed information: With certain pieces of information required, you're less likely to miss key details and can address each of the important legal aspects.
Some automation will help people with legal issues self-serve with guided legal letters. Other automated letters will aim to help social justice lawyers service clients quickly and easily, and ease some of the pressure on our Community Legal Centres.
Request for copies of all infringement notices
Automated fine dispute form
Notice to landlord to object to a rent increase
Affidavit builder
Statutory Declaration builder
Termination letter to end a month to month contract
Requests for refund for a faulty product
Consent to act as responsible
What other documents or letters do you think can benefit from automation?
Let me know if you have a success story or any questions. For more information on fines in Victoria, see Fines.